Innovative Solutions & CNC Machine Tools for Productivity
CNC machine tools, rebuilds and retrofits, application solutions, service, and more.
Industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, medical, oil and gas drilling, power generation, and transportation.

PTI only works with companies who match our quality standards and dedication to providing innovative solutions to your needs.

Milling Machines
A milling machine removes material from a workpiece by rotating a cutting tool (cutter) and moving it into the workpiece. Milling machines, either vertical or horizontal, are usually used to machine flat and irregularly shaped surfaces and can be used to drill, bore, and cut gears, threads, and slots.

Turning Machines
Lathes are machines that shape material by rotating a drive, which turns the piece being worked on against cutting tools that can be switched out to obtain the appropriate cut. Turning: Turning is the act of cutting a part on a lathe. We offer Horizontal, Vertical, Swiss and Automated options

Grinding Machines
Grinding, also called surface grinding, is a machining operation in which material is removed using a powered abrasive wheel, stone, belt, paste, sheet, compound, etc. to realize fine finish tolerances and surface finishes. Precision Technologies has several options available.

Rebuilt & Retrofit Machines
Machine tools wear out over time. Rebuilding of a machine tool will bring it back to its original design specification. Retrofiting a machine is to furnish with new or modified parts or equipment not available or considered necessary at the time of manufacture

Special Application Machines
Special application machines allow specific operations dedicated to a product or a family of products to be carried out. These machines can carry out one or more operations, for example, assemblies, vision checks and packaging as well as a long list of other tasks.

Automated Machines
An automated factory, office, or process uses machines to do the work instead of people. In today’s environment automated machines not only assist in the process, they fill in where hard to come by employees would normally do the work.

Coordinate Measuring Machine/CMM
A CMM is mainly used for three-dimensional measurement of dies such as automobile parts and various mechanical parts, three-dimensional objects such as prototypes, and measurement of differences from drawings.

Electrical Discharge Machine/EDM
EDM is a thermal process for removing unwanted material by applying cycled discharging sparks in the gap between an electrode and a conductive workpiece. This method is typically used for machining refractory metals and hard materials, which are difficult to machine with conventional machining techniques.
Our mission is your machining productivity.
With hundreds of years of experience, Precision Technologies, Inc (PTI), has been selling and servicing machine tools throughout the United States and have been partnering with strategic companies from North America, Europe and Asia since 2006. PTI is headquartered in Englewood, TN.
We continuously introduce solutions to provide our customers with the highest quality of precision machine tools. Our goal is to develop a machining process that improves quality while reducing production time and waste, so as to increase your profitability.
We supply CNC machine tools, rebuilds and retrofits, application solutions, service, and more, to a variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, construction, medical, oil and gas drilling, power generation, and transportation. We also specialize in the re-manufacture of existing machine tools, grinding and chip cutting, to minimize investment and improve machining processes.
About CNC Machine Tools
CNC machining (Computer Numerical Control) is a process where computer software is used to determine the movement of factory tools and machines. Numerical control means it is the automated control of machining tools by means of a computer.
Because CNC machines are able to process materials by following coded programming, a manual operator is not needed to directly control the machine’s operation. This saves you time and money.
Precision Technologies provides sales and service for different types of CNC Machines such as CNC Mills, Lathes, EDM’s (Electrical Discharge Machines) and more.
Precision Technology Inc. Code of Conduct
We follow the laws of the United States of America and the States where we do business.
We partner with our customers and principals in promoting a culture of integrity through mutual respect and trust in each other’s standards for ethics.
We set and example for one another, our customers and our principals by being fair and honest.
We promptly disclose any and all conflicts of interest that might influence our business judgment and avoid any appearance of impropriety in our dealings with customers and principals.
We hold each other accountable to this code and if we become aware of potential violations we promptly report them.